Sunday 31 May 2015

Rediscovering the Joy of Eating

Having an eating disorder makes one forget about the joy of eating. My mind sometimes is so wrapped around all the fear and anxiety of what I'm eating that it is hard to really concentrate on even tasting, let alone, enjoying what I am eating. Before coming to the hospital, I survived eating low fat fudgesicles,  rice pudding and oatmeal.

Being in the hospital, I met with the most fantastic dietician. She came to speak with me and asked me what my comfort foods were. I am a big lover of pudding, cottage cheese, custards, and oatmeal. Yesterday morning we got to change my meal plan to include foods that I enjoy and love.

Today was the first day of my new meal plan. Breakfast was a warm bowl of oatmeal with soy milk, and a custard cup. Eating my favourite foods, Anna usually doesn't have much control over me. I don't really care what she says as the pleasure of eating these foods drown out whatever she has to say about them.

KozyShack Custard 

Lunch was even better! I had Cottage Cheese with pepper, Chocolate pudding and a slice of whole wheat bread! Keep in mind, that I am being tube fed also. This is just the extra food that I get to eat with my meal plan.

Whole Wheat Toast
Chocolate Pudding

Cottage Cheese