Tuesday 7 October 2014

Expect Nothing so that you Have Everything!

Reading the title of this post probably made you go "hmm, I wonder what she means. " Let me explain. Part of what makes us depressed sometimes is that in our minds we have an idea of how something is "supposed" to be. We imagine scenarios and situations in the most perfect way possible, and when it doesn't go like we planned it to, we get horribly disappointed. One real example is my birthday this year. This is the first year where I expected NOTHING from anyone. Ever since I was a child, every single birthday has been  spent in nervous anxiety wondering when my parents would throw me a surprise party (something I've wanted desperately). This year, upon turning 20, I expected nothing at all. I don't want any presents or to do anything special. With this in mind, the simple wishes and Facebook posts I get, keeps me feeling special, without having people go out of their way to let me know that they care. Its through expecting little, that you get the most out of life.

Expectations are a great barrier sometimes between what we imagine, aspire, and dream for ourselves and the actual reality of the situation. This could work both ways, in the good and the bad. Having Social Anxiety and struggling at any event with people such as parties and get togethers, I've slowly begun to realize that part of my fear and anxieties tend to revolve around my preconceptions of how the event will go. Before I go to every volunteer opportunity, I always am a little nervous, and saying that I'm sick or backing out last minute seems really appealing. However, I keep in mind the fact that when I actually am at the event, I thoroughly enjoy myself! In the past, my initial anxieties were so great, that I would give in and avoid the social event. This way I had no contact with other people and lost out on valuable experiences that might have been really good for me. It takes practice and a tremendous amount of will and determination to get over the initial anxieties. I always view them as a hill that I have to climb, before I get the reward at the top.

Speaking of volunteering, I cannot emphasize how rewarding it really is. Volunteering at HOPE has taught me perhaps one of the most important lessons of all; life as we know it can change at any moment and at any instant. Nothing is permanent in this life and nothing will stay as it is forever. This makes me appreciate each and every single moment I am alive on this earth. Appreciating the little things, such as a beautiful sunny day, or watching the fall leaves change colour, is what leads to a happier mind and body. I could always choose to focus on the negative, and in doing so, be sad and miserable. However, focusing on the positives of each and every situation, won't make the negatives go away, but for our own peace of mind, isn't it better to focus on what we DO have, rather than that never-ending list of what we DONT?

Just something to think about!

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